The RDRNE Facility is Ready for Winter!
Here comes the snow!!

Wow, Winter has arrived here in
Northeastern PA, but here at the
RDRNE facility, no matter what mother nature brings us this winter, we are READY! Thanks to the kindness of our supporters we have our kennel runs, a generator, a pellet stove, and the fuel to make it
through the winter! :)
Our exercise pens and kennels are set up and in use, and the dogs certainly appreciate the efforts, especially with the current Artic blast plummeting the North East! It's nice to see our homeless animals enjoying the comfort of their outdoor building. It's a

great joy to behold and a testament that hard work, networking and kindness can all come together for the animals. Rescue is so emotional… for the people involved as well as the little souls that depend on us for their wellbeing. We still have some final touches to install in the building and one of remaining wish items for the dogs’ building is a camera system. It is still needed. This will allow us the ability to keep an eye on the activities of the pups when not in the building. If you might assist us with that camera system, please email, and if you would like to donate something off the RDRNE homeless animals Amazon Wish List items you can donated via this link.
So much love has been put into the RDRNE rescue facility and there is no way we could have done this without all of you, our "Ruff-ian" supporters! :)

Checking in on Belle
What a level of unconditional love Belle extends us here at the RDRNE facility. The
mornings are my favorite! It's her snuggle time and boy oh boy does she like some loving in the am. Just a love bug! :) Belle truly is an angel on earth and we are so blessed to have the

honor of providing her care. Being Blind and Deaf doesn't slow this one down one bit! Belle has learned to motor around her outdoor building, memorizing every kennel and stopping to say hello to the other RDRNE animals when she is motoring about. She especially knows where the exit doors are, lol, and lets us know, hey I think it's nice enough for me to go outside. Yes Belle, you can always go outside when weather permits, because we know that is truly your favorite place, and rest assured when Ms. Belle is ready to come inside, she lets us know with her Belle bark, translating to "Hey! It’s me Belle, and you need to come walk me in!" We are coming Belle. lol
If you would like to follow Belle, she does have her very own Facebook page, "Being Belle, A blind and deaf pittie".
Our RDRNE Spot-Light Pups are Adam and Abigail.

Adam and Abigail are black lab's brother and sister, saved from a high kill shelter and are still babies being only 5 months old.
Both are up to date on shots, micro-chipped and altered. They are classic black Lab's, web feet and all, lol, and boy do they love to play. Both are good with other dogs, crate trained and just incredible love bugs. Please consider opening your heart and home to these little fur babies. Foster or adopt at We couldn't say NO to taking in these two into rescue, but would certainly love to see them spending their formative months in their own special home. We will
home these two either separately or together, they will make incredible family four-legged additions. We hope to see them homed very soon.

We have so many deserving RDRNE homeless pups...
Maddie, Candi, Monty, Sandy, Bunny, Snoopy, Daisy, Bluebelle, Gypsy, Catalina, Buddy, Belle, the "J" puppies, Fiona and Farrah, Oscar and the Three remaining "D" puppies. Fostering is so rewarding and there is no happier moment than to see your foster dog leaving for a much deserved forever home. If you have the ability to foster, please fill out an application at Any of our homeless animals would love to call your home their home! Visit their page here.

In closing, rescue for RDRNE isn't a hobby, it's a way of life and we love all of our animals
that we are privileged to care for until they find their forever home. We feel very blessed to have such a strong support community for our rescues with your amazing networking and avocation for each and every one of dogs! We are also very thankful for the selfless hours our volunteers put into rescue, whether hands on at the facility, working from their computers, conducting home visits... so many pieces of a large puzzle have to come together to make RDRNE work in harmony for our animals.
So thank you, thank you, thank you... for all the love, networking, donations and kindness extended on behalf of our animals each and every day! Rescue never stops, there are always animals whether here at the facility or in some dire situation that need help, both ours and yours. We can and we will do this together!
If you would like more information on our rescue, our facility or any or our homeless animals, please email
Until next time, XOXO Tere and the PA Crew